

Individual Therapy

I provide individual psychotherapy for adults. As a generalist, I see people with anxiety, depression, self-esteem issues, relationship difficulties as well as people going through life transitions such as divorce, parenting, retirement and work conflict. I have specialized training in childhood sexual trauma as well as weight management. I actively seek out training and consultation for healing racism that has been unconsciously internalized and welcome working with people on this. My goal is to create a warm environment, especially for people who may fear being judged, so that together we can work through painful life experiences or help you feel more connected to your true self and purpose in life. Psychotherapy can enrich your life in unforeseen yet exciting ways.


Couples Therapy

I see married, unmarried, gay and straight couples. I work from an object relations perspective which assumes that there is a conscious aspect to the relationship, e.g. compatibility, sexual attraction, as well as an unconscious hope that the other person can help us with parts of ourselves or early experiences that have been difficult to acknowledge or express. Understanding how this plays out can help you see yourself and the other in more complete ways. This facilitates communication, conflict transformation and healing from trauma or infidelity.


Group Therapy

Group therapy can help people have more satisfying relationships in which they feel more comfortable expressing their true feelings and desires. Through the opportunity to receive input and feedback from multiple perspectives, group helps us learn about ourselves and importantly, who we are with others.  With facilitation from the therapist, participants work on verbalizing feelings, establishing interpersonal boundaries, self-assertion, expression of caring and love, managing conflict, and supporting each other while getting support for oneself. Group is a powerful modality that inspires growth while reducing shame and isolation.